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Nr de cadre la un e 500?....
Cum as putea afla ce nr de cadre are aparatul ? Este vreun soft ceva? Mentionez ca am un e500 si-l am de ceva vreme( mai exact din noiembrie 2006). Mi-i sa nu pice shuter-ul cand sunt la un eveniment ceva.....si sa nu mai am ce face. Daca aveti ideea, va rog dati un semn.
1. Turn on the power switch
2. Open CF card door
3. Press "menu" and "OK" buttons simultaneously
4. Press the menu nav arrow arrow buttons in the following sequence:
- WB (Up)
- ISO (Down)
- Metering Icon (Left)
- AF (Right)
5. Press the shutter release
6. Press menu nav buttons menu nav buttion AF (Right) again

Page 2 screen will appear, R.......stands for the shutter count.

Page 1:
L - lens code
F - flash code

Page 2:
R - counts the number of shutter activations
S - counts the number of times a flash was fired.
C - counts the number of times the mirror has been locked up (cleaning mode).
U - number of times the camera has been turned on (and the ultrasonic wave cleaner activated).
V - counts two operations: [1] number of times the mirror has been locked up in Live View, and [2] number of times the AEL button has been used to auto focus while in Live View

Page 3:
CS - camera serial number

MCS - Is the same as the "Internal Serial Number" recorded in the EXIF data of pictures recorded with the camera. The 16-digit number contains a variety of information. Here is what we understand so far:
Digits 1-4 represent the camera model. 4001 = E-1, 4007 = E-300, 4011 = E-500, 4016 = E-330, and 4046 = E-510.
Digit 5 is the year of manufacture. For example, "3" equals year 2003.
Digits 6-7 represent the month of manufacturer. For example, "06" equals June.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange
De aflat da..nu este soft..este o combinatie de butoane...nu mai tin eu minte exact cum era...si nici linkul de unde am aflat...tot asa..cineva de pe forum a dat link la un site....
Cit despre cite cadre tine un aparat ...e simplu..tine pina moare...si moare cind vrea el....daca ne luam dupa Murphy...moare cind i-ti este lumea mai draga....sunt cazuri in care a sarit de 100000 de mii si inca merge...na...deci nu se stie...oricum daca tragi evenimente gindestete deja la un aparat...e bine sa ai inca unul de rezerva...plus ca acuma sunt alta generatie...nu mai au senzor Kodac..ci Panasonic,
Olympus ( film+ digital)
Ionut Trufin
In sectiunea legaturi pe internet a forum-ului exista si link-ul pentru shutter count

Multumesc tuturor. Chiar nu credeam ca voi primi ajutor de la atatea persoane. Am incercat combinatia de butoane exact cu pasii de la "paul_paun", am urmat si link-ul lasat de "Ionut Trufin" si nimic. Nu imi apare nici un fel de pagini....unde sa vad nr de cadre ......si ce alte informatii ar trebui sa fie. Nu stiu ce ar trebui sa fac. .......Sa schimb varianta de firmware? Este varianta 1.0
Salut, am mai cautat nitel si cred ca la E-500 este diferit, la pasul 2 se apasa in loc de menu tasta play, in rest este la fel. Astept sa imi spui dca a functionat.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange
Da, asta reusisem sa fac, pana sa bag mesajul anterior, dar fara sa mai apara nici un fel de informatii. Doar atat " OLYMPUS E - 500" si nimic alceva orce as mai face......

Gata, am reusit. Trebuie sa tii ceva timp apasat pe taste si merge. Multzam fain tuturor!
Editat de vallstoicescu la 13-06-2011, 14:40
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