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Olympus PEN E-PL7
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marius2die4 a scris:

Multumesc Domnule Lazar. Sunteti prima persoana care spune ceva dspre Samsung (de bine) care a si testat. Aveti si niste imagini de impartasit din timpul testelor? Cu ce corp ati testat obiectivele.

Am avut un Galaxy NX120 in care mi-am prins urechile, pentru ca nu ma pricep la aparate cu sistem de operare Android, dar ideea mi s-a parut revolutionara.
O sa caut si niste imagini, dar asta nu stiu cand, pentru ca sunt departe de serverul in care le tin.

Pentru cine este interesat, sunt aici cateva elemente foarte foarte interesante: http://www.dprevi...and-lenses
katran a scris:

Din cate stiu, Samsung sta prost la obiective (foarte putine obiective). De exemplu, nu au tele mai lung de 200mm.
Stau prost si pe partea de wide. Nu stiu daca au obiectiv mai wide de 16mm (24mm echiv).

Cred ca au pana in 10 obiective, majoritatea obiective de kit.

Dupa parerea mea, sunt mult mult sub m4/3.
Cu doua-trei obiective bune nu pot compensa celelalte minusuri. Smile

Ca sa fie tacamul complet, Samsung a mai scos un format - Samsung Mini. Camere cu senzor de 1'' ca cel de pe Nikon1. Pentru asta evident ca sunt si mai putine obiective (cred ca 3-4). -

Deci au doua formate, ambele cu vanzari slabe (vanzarile slabe inseamna oferta redusa de camere, obiective si accesorii).

Sigur ca gama este redusa dar ce e in gama nu e rau: "Although Samsung’s mirrorless system doesn’t quite have the same reputation nor heritage as its more established rivals, the lens range (while admittedly containing some oddities, such as the 85mm f/1.4 and the not tested 45mm f/1.8 2D/3D model) is refreshingly innovative and are, mostly, very strong performers. In fact, as our comparison graph (above) shows the NX mount primes compare very favourably with the equivalent NEX mount lenses from Sony. But it’s not only the NEX mount lenses that the Samsung models compete with. They’ve shown with the 85mm f/1.4 and some excellent sensors what they’re capable of, but perhaps what’s needed now is a high-end enthusiasts model to contend with the likes of the OMD-EM5, GH-3 and NEX-7.." - de la http://www.dxomar...Conclusion

Ii admir pe coreeni, din nimic au reusit sa faca un sistem, si daca o sa faca si o camera mai pro o sa fie, cred, OK. Cine stie.
Alte pareri despre coreeni: http://www.ephoto...2014-24145
Cei de la Samsung au chiar un 12-24 ultra-wide, un obiectiv care mi-a atras atentia prin specificatii si pret. Dupa aia m-am uitat la sample-urile oficiale si mi-am dat seama de fapt ca Samsung inca nu s-au trezit din somn.... Somn placut Samsung!
Practic daca vrei calitate de telefon intr-un corp de aparat avansat, Samsung e numa' bun.
ghinitai a scris:

Cei de la Samsung au chiar un 12-24 ultra-wide, un obiectiv care mi-a atras atentia prin specificatii si pret. Dupa aia m-am uitat la sample-urile oficiale si mi-am dat seama de fapt ca Samsung inca nu s-au trezit din somn.... Somn placut Samsung!
Practic daca vrei calitate de telefon intr-un corp de aparat avansat, Samsung e numa' bun.

Altii au alta parere despre obiectivul asta - aia care chiar l-au probat:

"A very nice lens. Provides comparable performance to for example the Canon EF-S 10-22 (possibly the Samsung is a bit sharper), though not quite as wide as the Canon. Size and weight of the lens is great. I wish the lens was a bit wider (10mm at wide end), but perhaps it couldn't be as small then. An essential lens for the NX-system."

"As this is just rebranded Pentax 12-24 f/4 (not sure how is it with SMC layers, couldn't find any info about it, but i find my results are of same quality as sample imgs of Pentax version) is great UWA lens. In some conditions very prone to lens flare. Sharpness and color rendering is just wow-great, people asking what kind of PP I did with the colors :-D You get nice stars with the 8 blade aperture too. Build is great as I'm 3rd owner of this lens still looking like out of the box. On the other side CA control is not really good, bokeh as this is UWA lens not important at all but really not smooth.

Read more at: http://www.pentax...dbcY"

"Simply a great lens!
Simply a wonderful lens. Small, great detail and contrast, good detail to the edges and sufficiently wide to do the job.
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend"

"This lens is a great value. It has good performance all over, and is capable of producing great images. It is light weight, uses standard filters, and is relatively cheap. Performance is better than the excellent Tokina 12-24mm f/4 version II in general and the lens is less susceptible to flare. For landscapes, there is a bit of field curvature so I recommend focusing near the edges of the frame instead of in the center. I really don’t have anything negative to say about this lens, except I wish Samsung let us turn off distortion correction, even though it has pretty severe barrel distortion at 12mm with corrections off (must use DCRaw or similar to convert, Lightroom fixes distortions automatically). Unlike some of the recent Sony lenses, the image circle at 12mm is easily large enough for APS-C and the corners are very sharp uncorrected."

Asa ca, lucrurile sunt mai complexe decat par.
E bine si cu parerile "profesionistilor", dar hai sa ne uitam si la pozele oficiale, facute in conditii controlate chiar de firma in cauza:


Imi place ca se anima forumul, chiar daca discutam de ce au altii prin gradina. Desi sunt utilizator Olympus, oricand as schimba sistemul daca as gasi ceva mai bun in raport cu calitatea oferita de sticlele Zuiko si cu cerintele personale pe care le am in prezent si care sunt impuse de tipul de fotografie pe care il practic, dar doar daca totul este cu un cost identic sau doar cu putin mai mare. Nu am gasit inca acel ceva decat la sistemele pe care nu mi le permit si de care inca nu am nevoie, cele de top ce sunt dedicate pentru fotografia comerciala. Eu insa sunt de parere ca tot ceea ce cumperi trebuie sa aiba o justificare in practica, altfel inseamna ca esti condus de tentatie si de marketing-ul producatorilor.

Si totusi despre ce se discuta aici? ah, despre camere si obiective, da, cam toti avem destule camere si destule obiective ca sa facem fotografii, dar imagini de calitate ioc. Hai sa lasam camerele si sa ne vedem de fotografiat, poate aducem si noi pe perete o poza ca sa bucuram privitorii.

Week-end fain cu lumina de calitate! Smile
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange
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